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In-House 2.0

We are so excited to get our first time ever In-House 2.0 where we will have those kids in K-3 continue their basketball skills into the winter. 

This is great for everyone of all skill levels!  This could be the first time you're child has been introduced to basketball or this could be your travel 3rd grader just wanting to stay in the gym and build on those skills they learned during season.   Let's have a little basketball fun while the season winds down!

Dates & Times

January 18th @ SHS Aux Gym

January 28th @ SHS Aux Gym

February 1st @ SHS East Gym

February 8th @ SHS East Gym

February 15th @ RIS

*Boys sessions will be from 8-8:50am

*Girls sessions will be from 9-9:50am


In-House 2.0 Dangerous Dribblers

Weekly Prizes and Final Top Dribblers Prizes

DRIBBLE your way to weekly and session long PRIZES

Top two male and female dribblers will receive an awesome prize at the end!

**See documents below for instructions and logging**